Wednesday 7 November 2018

It's all about Nurgle! Plus conan!

Of late I've been working in a age of sigmar maggotkin force and also a deathguard kill team for 40k (it's going to be expanded into an army).

So here are some if what I've got done so far!
Ow and a 15mm scale alternative armies fire giant I've painted as a frost giant for a little conan project I'm working on!

Friday 19 October 2018

Painters Pride!

I bought this model of a Lord of Plagues from the Wigan Games Workshop yesterday and started painting him. I finished his base this morning and I'm very very happyb with how he's come out! I followed the warhammer tv guide on paintingb putrid blight kings and the one on doing swampy bases too. Probably one of the best paint jobs I've ever done in my 20+ years of painting miniatures if I'm honest!

Thursday 4 October 2018

Dragon Rampant Troll test paint job

As alot of the guys at Wigan Wargamers are playing a few of the excellent Osprey rules I've been gathering plastic and lead to paint up for The Men Who Would Be Kings in 28mm and Dragon Rampant in 15mm.
I ordered some of the lovely Goblins and Trolls from Alternative Armies as I have been a long time customer of there's for many years.
So using the power of the Internet I found a nice little paint guide from Games Workshop on painting troll flesh:
Undercoat grey
Base coat deathworld forest
Drybrush underhive ash
Ink was athonian camo shade
Drybrush deathguard green

It cam out a treat on the practice troll! The picture was taken just after the wash. The second drybrush really helps bring the definition out on the miniature.

Fatale comic book review

  A reporter in 2012 stumbles on a secret that leads him down the darkest path imaginable... to a seductive woman who's been on the run...