Friday 31 January 2020

January 2020 painting log

Well the maths have been done and got 48 miniatures painted to completion this month!
A variety of periods and 2 different scales as well.
Images below of what I've done as of 31st January, missing a picture of the 4 nighthaunt banshees on my phone!


Friday 24 January 2020

2020 new year and get through January

Well I finally got my painting mojo back at the start of 2020 so I've finished some projects from last year and completed some from this year already.
I've decided to do a monthly painting log of what is like to paint and what I finish painting over the course of the year.  Never done one before but curious as to see my output!
Anyway I've completed the khorne unit for Warhammer Underworlds, and the contents of the mortal realms magazine for age of sigmar, well one issue if them as I bought 4 lol. I've already started on the banshees from this week's issue as well as working in my deathguard army for a 40K competition I'm off to mid feb at a local store.
So yeah lots done at to do lol.

Fatale comic book review

  A reporter in 2012 stumbles on a secret that leads him down the darkest path imaginable... to a seductive woman who's been on the run...