Thursday 5 November 2020

15mm Undead and Frostgrave miniatures

 I finished these 15mm undead at the start of September but forgot to put them on here as well!  They are from the excellent Alternative Armies range and are lead by a Tabletop Games wizard I painted as a Necromancer.  They will see some use in games of Advanced Song Of Blades and Heroes!

Next is my repainted barbarian warband for Frostgrave.  I painted these mainly using Games Workshop Contrast paints and happy with how they turned out.  I was inspired by Luke at Geek Gaming's batch painting video on YouTube!  

Also some photos of all the miniatures I have painted for the Frostgrave bestiary bar my frost giant!  These are a mix of various figures from heresy, mantic, GW, reaper and a 3d print as well!

Fatale comic book review

  A reporter in 2012 stumbles on a secret that leads him down the darkest path imaginable... to a seductive woman who's been on the run...