Wednesday 12 February 2020

February painting so far

So far this second month of the year it's been a bit of a challenge to get much done.  I've had a bipolar flair up and my medications giving my anxiety levels a battering so shakey hands and restless nights sleep aren't helping my motivation.
I'm doing as much as I am able and that it really.
Got a trio of Alternative Armies 15mm trolls based to completion as they'd been languishing almost finished for well over a year now lol. They are on a warbases movement trays and will be part of my goblin Dragon Rampant army of which this is the first completed unit. I still have 3 wolf rider units, an infantry unit and the army General to do. In comparison with my 15mm barbarian army which need the General, giant, 1 more foot unit and 1 cavalry unit to paint lol.

I've got a 40k friendly competion gaming event this Saturday at M and L models in Pontefract so I've been trying to get 1500pts of deathguard done for it. So far I've done 5 plague marines and 37 poxwalkers. I've still got about 15 more plague marines as well as 3 characters, 2 blight drones, a rino and a blight hauler to finish as well. I'm hoping to get enough plague marines some to have two fully painted squads but we shall see! They have all had a sepia wash over a white spray undercoat so at least they aren't going to be bare plastic or just white lol. Well the 2 blight drones are still green and partly paint stopped but that's besides the point lol.

I've not kept on top of my weekly mortal realms magazine miniature but I'll get back to them once the 40k army's done and painted even after the competition is over. It'll be nice to have a fully painted 40k army for the first time in a long time the and they have such wonderful character and detail in them as well I love painting them i just can't get through them fast though due to the details lol.

I've painted another Frostgrave creature and this time it's a Genie. A wonderful metal model from Reaper. Done in the Disney style of blue skinned as well lol.

Finally I got around to painting my Arcane Hazards for Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault. I've had these for over a year now and they've been assembled, never used in game do I threw some paint on them as I'm getting regular games in with my mate Rhys who you'll be hearing more about in my blog as he's my gaming buddy lol. We had our session 0 of his dungeons and dragons Skyrim inspired campaign started Monday just gone and it was fun to play as it's been about 3 years since I last played an rpg and I loved being a barbarian again :)
We've also had a few games along with his other half Trina of the fun little game Elder Sign which I highly recommend by Fantasy Flight . If like myself your a H.P. Lovecraft fan then this is a nice little game for you!

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